Further Enhancing the Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings by Focusing on Prevention, Cooperation and Recovery of Crime Proceeds



This project is funded by
    the European Union’s Internal Security Fund - Police 



Facilitate and enhance the exchange of knowledge at strategic, operational and policy level among partner institutions by following the most recent trends in the THB area.


  • Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania (PICCJ RO) and the direct beneficiary Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT RO)
  • Belgian Federal Police
  • Polish National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSIP PL)
  • National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets (ANABI RO)
  • National Agency against Trafficking in Persons (ANITP RO)

Implementation period: 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2022


  • EU contribution: 350,829 euro (90%)
  • Overall project budget: 389,810 euro


Result 1:

• Improved the preparedness of partner law enforcement agencies to investigate and trial THB cases: 158 law enforcement practitioners from Romania, Belgium, Poland, and Spain were trained during 6 specialized training sessions (WP 2, component lead: PICCJ RO)

• 56 prosecutors, judges, police officers, specialists etc. trained in hearing techniques focused on hearing THB victims during two 3-day specialized training sessions organised in Poiana Brasov in September - October 2021

• 46 prosecutors, judges, police officers, specialists etc. trained in the management of complex THB cases during two 3-day specialized training sessions organised in Bucharest in March and May 2022

• 58 prosecutors, judges, police officers, specialists etc. trained in the limits and challenges of investigating and prosecuting THB cases during two 3-day specialized training sessions organised in Constanta in June – July 2022

• Developed and disseminated practical Guidelines on hearing techniques of THB victims, a Methodology on organizing Joint Day type operations, and a three-fold Collection of judicial practice on THB matters (WP4, component lead: PICCJ RO)

Result 2:   

• Improved the financial investigating capacity of law enforcement practitioners from Romania, Belgium, and Spain by providing them with the most recent practical and theoretical developments in the field (WP 5, component lead: ANABI RO)

• 50 prosecutors, judges, police officers, specialists etc. were trained in financial investigation and assets recovery techniques during two 3-day training sessions organised in Romania in September and October 2022.

Result 3:  

• Decreased demand for services offered by THB organised crime groups by means of an awareness campaign conducted in the online and outdoor environments (WP 3 – component lead: ANITP RO)

• Awareness campaign conducted in the online environment targeting demand for the labour and sexual services offered by THB organised crime groups, which reached more than 2,500,000 unique users: 120 anti-trafficking posters and 30 short anti-trafficking videos running on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. The online campaign also featured 2 short anti-THB information videos facilitated by Romanian public figure Dorian Popa, and vlogger Zaiafet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGIqfVrwiz4&t=359s , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQWM8H_CNas )

• Outdoor awareness campaign targeting demand for the labour and sexual services offered by THB organised crime groups, which was conducted by ANITP representatives in locations frequented by target group/ potential consumers: 2000 outdoor posters, 50,000 tri-fold flyers, 15,000 silicone bracelets, and 1285 laptop backpacks.

Final project conference: 24 November 2022, Bucureşti







This project is funded by
    the European Union’s Internal Security Fund - Police

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